September 29, 2024

We Pray First | House Rules Part 4


Chase Trimmier

Message Resources


Message Summary:

Unspoken Rules
We all have unspoken rules that we have picked up from our families or environment. These are learned patterns of how the world works. These rules shape the way you operate. When you grow up and have kids you innately start doing it with your own kids. We also have unspoken rules about prayer. Maybe you pray on the way to school or perhaps it was only on holidays. Even if you don’t pray, that is an unspoken rule. The value of prayer is extremely important. God will reveal how your world should operate through prayer. Whether you’re writing a rule about prayer or rewriting what you’ve always known, it’s very important to have a rule around prayer and establish what prayer means to you.

The disciples asked Jesus how to pray and he gave them the Lord’s Prayer. “Your kingdom come, thy will be done. On earth as it is in Heaven.” What does this mean? Righteous, peace and joy. Are your experiencing all of these things in your own life? Prayer is what aligns us with how God wants us to experience life. Your life aligned with what God is asking you to do, is going to be the best life possible. Prayer is how we do that. It’s how we align with the will and the way of the Lord

Elijah the prophet’s job is to anoint the next Kings for the land. He tells the people who are honoring of other gods to call to their gods and ask them to show themselves. He is trying to show them and prove to them who the real true God is. Elijah prays to God and asked him to reveal himself and he does. Jezebel threatens Elijah and runs for his life. He went into the wilderness and prayed that he might die. An angel comes to him, tells him that he is ok and brings him something to eat and drink. He then went back into the wilderness and into a cave. The Lord comes to him, shakes the earth, blows the wind, but that is not God. In a gentle whisper God comes to him and tells him to go back to where he came from, that he will pave the way for him. He tells him to go back and do what he has been called to do, for the Lord will be with him always.  

Prayer sets our hearts and minds on what is true. What is true is we are not alone. Prayer creates a culture of connection with God. Do your friends and family know that you are someone they can turn to when times get hard and that you will pray for them? As a church, we pray first. The church will be with you to pray about anything.

1. What does prayer mean to you?

2. What is one rule around prayer you will create for your household?

3. How does God remind you what is true through prayer?

4. Are you creating a culture of connection around you? If not, how can you start to build that?


Matthew 6:9-13
This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’

1 Kings 18-19

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